
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Lamb Kebabs

Yesterdays Greek Orzo Pasta Salad was made to accompany these lamb kebabs. When I am cooking with something like chicken, I like to jazz it up with lots of bells and whistles to make it different. When I am cooking with a protein that is more unique, I try to keep the bells and whistles to a minimum. I want to taste the flavor of the lamb so I try to make a marinade that will enhance the flavor without overshadowing it. This made for a very nice weekend lunch. I served it with some pilfered pitas from Kelaine’s side of the fridge. Shhhh…it’s our little secret! Thankfully, the other two Corcoran Street ladies are coming home from South Africa tomorrow because I’ve been missing them and I think I’m driving Mark crazy.
Lamb Kebabs
1/2 cup yogurt
1 lemon
2 cloves garlic
1 tsp. fresh oregano
Salt and pepper
3/4 lb. lamb shoulder steaks
1 large red onion

1. Slice the lamb shoulder into cubes that are about 1 inch square. Try to make them reasonably similar in size so that they cook evenly.
2. Combine yogurt, zest and juice of lemon, and 2 finely minced garlic cloves (I used my microplane), oregano, and 1 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper.
3. Add the lamb cubes to this mixture and let them sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
4. Soak your skewers so that they don’t burn.
5. Chop the red onion into large chunks to skewer with the lamb.
6. Make the skewers by alternating a cube of lamb and a piece of red onion.
7. Put the skewers onto an dry, hot grill pan and cook for 3-4 minutes per side (all 4 of them) until the lamb is cooked and nicely charred.
8. Serve with yogurt on the side, Greek Orzo Pasta Salad, and pitas.


  1. Strong week from CSK. Now if the girls can just come back and we can have a big reunion meal where we invite those gregarious charlatan neighbors, then everyone wins. Any by everyone I mean me.

  2. Also if mark is taking extra subs in soccer, I feel its only fair that was take his extra food.
