
Friday, August 13, 2010


I'm moving, but not URLs and not away from DC...just a few blocks down the street. Mark and I found a place just south of Logan Circle and I'm really excited to make it our (read: mostly my) own. This means one very sad thing: I have to leave my two precious babies, Keliane and Lizzie behind.
I know they will find someone fantastic to replace me and complete their duo of perfection, but I will miss them, our beautiful house, and our gigantic kitchen! K & L are the best roomies a girl from New Jersey could ever ask for and I'm glad that the walk from the new place is short. It will be traveled often. I miss them already.

As for the new place...the kitchen is...well...not big. Those who go back to my Philly days remember that I've had some very tiny kitchens in my day, so I can work with anything! I am confident that this will become the most overused and well-loved kitchen in DC. Mark and I are already practicing our big buck hunting skills because we can't wait to have everyone over for dinner!!

We're off to Richmond for the weekend to watch Ryan and Linds tie the knot and I am very excited to eat an obscenely huge sandwich here tomorrow. But then I will need some Crisco and duct tape to get myself into the dress I brought for the wedding. It will be worth it!

1 comment:

  1. We miss you already. Seriously. Great photos, welcome back to DC, and when is dinner?

    Baby K
