
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Virginia Peach Salsa

I always get excited when get to spend time with the adorable babies of my friends and family. Baby Jane Bennett is my Cousin Timmy and Christy’s young daughter and she is so adorable that all I want to do is hug her, kiss her, and eat her thighs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I got to visit with the cutie pie herself last weekend when I was up in Jersey. Mark and I were invited to the new home of the illustrious Dr. and Mr. Bennett (my other cousins and Miss Jane’s Aunt and Uncle). Their new home is fantastic and spending time with my cousins is always a treat. However, we played a very suspect game called Apples to Apples, where I lost miserably so I’m sure everyone was cheating. I didn’t want to show up empty handed to casa de Bennett so I whipped up a little Virginia Peach Salsa to take with me.
Virginia Peach Salsa
3 yellow peaches
2 sweet bell peppers (I had a purple and white one from the CSA, but red would work too)
1 cubano pepper (for mild heat)
1 jalapeño pepper (for stronger heat)
1 white onion (or any onion you like)
3 limes
1 bunch cilantro
Salt and pepper

1. Halve the peaches and remove the pit. Slice them into small chunks (the way you would if you were cutting a tomato for salsa).
2. Seed the sweet peppers and the cubano and slice them into small chucks. 3. Seed and devein the jalapeño. Try to slice the jalapeño as finely as you can so that you distribute the spice evenly throughout the salsa. You don’t want someone getting a huge piece and starting to breathe fire.
4. Dice the onion finely and add that to your bowl of peppers and peaches. 5. Chop the cilantro roughly and throw that in.6. Depending on juiciness of your limes, juice the three limes and pour in the juice. This makes a great big bowl of salsa, but it is tasty so it won’t last long.
7. Season liberally with salt and pepper and serve with tortilla chips.

Jannie with mommy, daddy, and cousin Emily. I was trying to be friendly, but Jane was all hands!!

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