
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Dangerously Delicious Pies

Nom, nom, nom. My friend Alissa came over the other night for dinner and she stopped off at Dangerously Delicious Pies to pick up the most glorious hostess gift I have ever received. She decided on the Coconut Chess Pie, knowing, bless her heart, that coconut is basically my favorite flavor. This pie was To. Die. For. The top was crunchy, the buttermilk custard was tart and not too sweet, and the crust was buttery fantastic-ness. There is word of a Pie Truck that might be in the works so look out for them on Twitter if you like things that are dangerously delicious.
This is a relatively new pie shop that opened up a location on H Street, NE (his original shop is in Charm City).
I opened the kitschy, black box to reveal the beauty within...
Guess who go the first piece? Was it my guest? Was it my sweet boyfriend? NO! It was me. I woofed down a piece before those other two losers were even hungry for dessert. Then I ate it for breakfast the next morning.
LOOK AT THIS PIECE. This should really speak for itself (and the paper plate should speak to my laziness because I don't have a dishwasher...unless you count Mark, which I sure don't). The contrasting textures of the crispy top and smooth, creamy custard really was music to my mouth.
I can't recommend heading over to this store fast enough because if this beauty is any indication of their other pies, I want to try them ALL!

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