
Monday, October 4, 2010

That's Why I Hang My Hat in Tennessee

Last week, I made my way down to San Antonio for work. I'd been to Dallas as a kid to visit my gmom's family down there but this time, I was on the go for most of the trip and didn't have any time to get off the hotel's massive grounds to get in even a puffy taco. My disappointment in myself is still taking it's toll. Even so, one night we did manage to make it out to a ranch where I put my line dancing skills to the test. OK, ok, you got me. Girls from South Jersey do not line dance, but I did put my BBQ eating skills to the test. I managed to put down a Texas-sized feast while the rest of the suckers were on the dance floor. I didn't have time/embarrassment tolerance to really get up in the food to take good pictures, but you'll get the idea...

Actually, when we walked in the door, they were passing out real jalepeno poppers. A whole jalepeno pepper, dipped in batter and deep fried. I didn't realize what it was when I popped it in and WHAM - it knocked the wind out of me. I had to run to the bar for a Shiner Bock to regain sensation in my taste buds. I didn't get a picture of the poppers because it was too soon. Too soon. But the chipotle-honey short ribs were tender and packed a serious punch as well.
Chicken tacitos were crispy and delicious.
A pile of ribeyes that stretched as far as the eye could see.
A Texas-sized bowl of beans. They were sweet and spicy heaven.

I even saw a cactus!

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