
Monday, March 7, 2011

Dog Biscuits for Pepper

No, I haven't totally gone off the deep end. Lauren got a sweet little puppy and Auntie Emily has been very neglectful. So neglectful in fact, that I haven't even met my new niece yet. In my defense, I am terrible with puppies (and most animals in general). It is my contention that dogs can smell fear, like horses, therefore I overcompensate by acting way over excited to see them. Then the puppy goes crazy off my wild faux-energy and get all hyped up and then the puppy's mom gets annoyed at me. Maybe I'll just wait until Pepper is a teenager so I can be the cool Aunt who buys her and her friends beer. I decided that I would make her some puppy treats in the meantime. My mom made similar treats for her niece, Tucky. If I am uncomfortable around dogs, I got it from my momma. Mom's unprecedented love for Tucky, so much so that she made her doggie treats for our Hanukkah cookie exchange gave our whole family a warm and fuzzy feeling. I needed to consult some dog treat experts so I used a recipe from These treats are organic, preservative-free, and good for your dog. Give these a try for your dog or a dog that you love.
Dog Biscuits for Pepper (from Dog Treat Kitchen)
2 cups whole wheat flour
2/3 cup cornmeal
2 Tbsp canola oil
1/2 cup chicken broth, low sodium
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk, low or fat free

1. Combine the flours together in a bowl.2. Add the wet ingredients and stir until combined.3. Roll the dough out on a lightly floured board to about 1/4 inch thickness.4. Use cookie cutters (about 1-inch size) to cut out your treats.I have the cutest cat and bird cookie cutters that I wanted to use, but they were too big for these treats so I settled for simple circles and hearts.
5. Set the treats on a foil-lined baking sheet that is sprayed with non-stick spray.6. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes.
7. Cool on a rack until completely cooled.8. Store in an airtight container for up to 6 weeks.
Come on. Tell you you wouldn't want to make tons of tasty treats for this beauty queen!

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