
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Little Sisters

Are you seriously telling me that if you had a little sister who was engaged and who was adamantly opposed to all cutsie and kitschy wedding things and you saw these in the store you wouldn't have gotten 2 dozen of them, made 2 dozen cupcakes, and used them as the table centerpiece at a party celebrating her engagement?
She is definitely going to make me wear shoulder pads, a hat, and gloves in a shade that is not in my color wheel for her wedding after this...


  1. hat, gloves, long puffy sleeves and a muff in the dead of summer. hope you bring your extra strength deodorant.

  2. Somehow I feel like Em would actually rock the muff...maybe go with a parasol? :)

  3. I'll wear anything, so long as it is low cut so that the main focus of your special day will be my decolletage.

  4. Em, you shouldn't scar those of us who didn't get Nanny T's decolletage genes!
