
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Coconut Curry Mussels

Coconut Curry Mussels are a really fun twist on the traditional mussels preparation. The idea is to make a super flavorful broth with coconut milk, curry powder, and as many other delicous flavors as you can find in your pantry. Then you cook the mussels in that delicious broth and you slurp them up with gusto. This is a recipe where you can easily swap out or substitute some of the ingredients for what you might have on hand. Whatever you like. I had a star annise, lime, and bay leaf so that is what I used. The broth is rich and creamy, but the lime and the wine add the balance of sharpness. The heat from the curry powder also comes through. I love my sauce to be quite spicy, so I add a full 2 Tbs. of my hot, Madras Curry Powder. If you have a more mild curry, I suggest adding some red pepper flakes too. When it is hot outside, spicy food that really makes me sweat is the best remedy. I really loved this broth and the briney mussels that cook perfectly in and release their seafood essence to make the broth even more delicious. It is easy enough to make for a weeknight meal because mussels cook so quickly, but it really is fun enough for a more special occasion. I hope you make this and love it!Coconut Curry Mussels
2 lbs. mussels
1 medium onion
3 plump garlic cloves
2 Tbs. fresh ginger
1-2 Tbs. curry powder
1 bay leaf
1 star annise
1 can coconut milk
1 lime
1 cup dry white wine
1 Tbs. sugar
salt and pepper
olive oil
parsley (for garnish)

1. Finely chop the onion and the garlic cloves. In a large, heavy botton pot, heat 3-4 Tbs. olive oil over medium heat. Add the onions and garlic and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
2. Mince the ginger and add it to the pot.
3. To the pot, also add the lime zest, star annise, bay leaf, and curry powder and allow to cook together for 3-4 minutes.
4. Add the coconut milk and sprinkle in the sugar. Also add another pinch of salt.
5. Add the white wine and lime juice and stir well. Bring this mixture up to a boil and then reduce to a simmer for 10-15 minutes so that the flavors blend together well.
At this point, you can remove the bay leaf and star annise and you can take a taste for seasoning. If you want it to be spicier, add more curry. It may need another sprinkle of salt also.

6. Wash and sort the mussles, discarding any that are not tightly closed. Then add the mussels to the simmering broth and cover.
7. It will take about 5-10 minutes for the mussels to open up, which is how you know that they are coocked. If any do not open, you can discard them.
8. Spoon the mussels and generous amounts of broth into large bowls to serve and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
I like to serve with lots of bread for soaking up the sauce. And plenty of napkins!



  2. I would have invited you, but I figured you werer very busy cleaning your apartment.
