
Friday, October 7, 2011

Coconut-Pecan Frosting for German Chocolate Mini-Cupcakes

If you are having an Oktoberfest party, you need to put out something sweet to balance the multiple plates of savory sausages, cheeses, mustard, pretzels, kraut, and cabbage. People will be savory-ified enough to want a little something sweet to send them on their way. These little mini cupcakes are just the thing. I will admit, and I AM proud of it, that I did not make the actual cupcakes from scratch. In my defense, I had a lot going on, what with my favorite sister visiting, and hosting our friends to meet her, but also...I really don't mind cake mix cakes because they save me time and stress levels. I'm going to bust out cake mix for a dessert party or for a birthday celebration, but for a quick dessert, I made this super Coconut-Pecan frosting and used it to top cake-mix German Chocolate Cupcakes. the frosting is super sweet and thick and studded with pecan hunks and coconut flakes. It is my vision of the perfect frosting and I love it. Call me crazy, but I would use this frosting for many other cakes and be very happy about it.Coconut-Pecan Frosting for German Chocolate Mini-Cupcakes (adapted from
1 cup sugar
12 oz can evaporated milk
1/2 cup(s) unsalted butter
3 large egg yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
7-ounce package flaked coconut
1 1/2 cup chopped pecans
1 box German Chocolate Cake mix (plus eggs, oil, and water)
1. Pour evaporated milk, sugar, egg yolks, butter, and vanilla into a heavy-bottom pot over medium heat and bring to a simmer.
2. Stir frequently for 10-15 minutes until the mixture thickens.
3. Remove from the heat and add the coconuts and pecans.
4. Stir together until well combined and allow to come to room temperature before frosting.
5. Bake the cupcakes according to your instructions and allow to fully cool.
6. Top each with a generous dollop of your frosting.
Step away from the cupcakes unless you want to lose a finger. These things are addictive.
One Year Ago:24-Hour-kraut

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