
Monday, October 29, 2012

"Bleeding" Martini

This Halloween looks like it will be a wet one. Wet, stormy, and possibly sans power. Boo indeed. This calls for a stiff drink. My disaster preparedness consists of making a nice martini and garnishing it with a "bleeding" pickled beet. I got the idea from Martha Stewart, but I used a vodka martini instead of gin, so I am calling it my own now! To all my East Coast friends out there, stay safe these next few days. Hunker down and drink martinis to pass the time!
"Bleeding" Martini
2 shots vodka
1 tsp. vermouth
pickled beet

1.  Fill your cocktail shaker with ice.
Here's a look at my pickled beets.  I made them using this recipe, but instead of radishes, I used beets.  You can also buy them already pickled from the store and they are quite good. 
2.  Skewer your pickled beet.
3.  Add the vodka and vermouth to the shaker.
4.  Give a few good shakes and pour the martini into a waiting glass.
5.  Add the skewered beet and watch as it "bleeds" through the cocktail.
It will add the same briny quality that an olive lends, but will be more subtle and slightly sweet.
Kick back, and enjoy your spooky Halloween drink!
One Year Ago: Herb and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts
Two Years Ago: Cheesesteak for the Phillies

1 comment:

  1. grey goose...fancy! is that wedding leftovers?!? :) hope our two favorite government employees are enjoying working from home...looks like you are!
