
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Edible Teacups for Fun

Are you the cutest 3 year old ever?  Did you just have your Mary Poppins themed third birthday party this past weekend?  If you answered yes to these questions, you are my little cousin Jane.  We had an absolute blast this weekend at Janie's bday party.  Mommy Christy made the most fabulous Mary Poppins costume for her, complete with a Supercalafradgulisticexpialadocious banner, penguin cupcakes (and penguin Brooks brother), and rum punch!  Aunt Lyn (aka my mom; aka Timmy's Aunt) found this recipe for edible teacups and she just HAD to make them for her favorite great-niece.  I lent a hand and the finished product was decidedly adorable.  These are the perfect dessert treat for a little girl's party, a tea party, bridal or baby shower.  We filled them with chocolate-ricotta cannoli filling, but you could certainly use chocolate pudding if you prefer.  Have fun!
Edible Teacups for Fun
12 sugar ice cream cones
12 peanut butter cups
1/2 cup melting chocolate (like Wilton's)
12 white Oreos (or other cookies)
6 tiny-twist pretzels
chocolate or vanilla pudding or yogurt (to fill)

1.  Use a serrated knife to cut off the bottoms of the ice cream cones.  Slow and stead wins the race here.  Just be gentle and work deliberately.  Obviously have some extras on hand in case a few break. 
2.  To make the handle, use the serrated knife again to cut the tops of the pretzels off.  Again, if you break a few, no worries, just eat those and move along.
3.  Melt the chocolate according to the package directions.  I did mine slowly in the microwave until it was nice and smooth.  You could use regular milk chocolate for this recipe, but I found that the melting chocolate (like you get from a craft store) really worked wonders.  It melted smoothly and hardened quickly to make this novelty baking project a real breeze.  I think regular chocolate would make it a bit more tricky, but certainly do-able.
4.  Line up your cookies.
5.  Dot each cookie with some chocolate and place a peanut butter cup upside-down on top.
6.  Dip the bottom of the cone into the chocolate and set on top of the peanut butter cup.
7.  Hold the cone for a few seconds so that the chocolate hardens in place.
8.  Look to see if there are any holes or open spaces in your "tea cups" and fill them with chocolate, so that your filling won't seep out.
9.  Attach the handles by dotting chocolate on both ends of the pretzel and holdings it onto the side of the cone until it is set.
10.  We found these mini plastic spoons as the Christmas Tree Shop that were perfect!
11.  When you are ready to serve, fill the cups with pudding, yogurt, or cannoli filling and enjoy!

Mary Poppins and the Feed-the-Birds Lady.

One Year Ago: French Onion Soup (ohh la la)