
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fruity Yogurt Bomb Pops

These are the perfect dessert or little afternoon treat for summer and even more perfect for the 4th of July. They are a great balance of the sweetness from the fruit and the tart, but creamy yogurt.  On top of being delicious, they are also really healthy so you can feel good about eating more than one!  Or feeding them to your littlest party guests.  Making them is also very easy, just blending together fruit, sugar, and plain yogurt.  As far as the molds...I am not proud of this, but I do not own popsicle molds.  I have a tiny kitchen and they just haven't made the cut.  I do have mini cupcake pans, though.  And they worked out perfectly.  I actually placed a regular sized cupcake liner into my mini cupcake pans to create a big of a cylindrical mold for my pops.  Not very sturdy or perfect, but they absolutely did the trick.  What I loved most was that the liners have the texture that mimics a real Bomb Pop.  We eat with our eyes too, so I still wanted them to look semi-decent, which I think they did.
Fruity Yogurt Bomb Pops (makes about 12 1/4-cup sized pops)
2-1/3 cups plain Greek Yogurt
2 Tbs. milk
2/3 cup blueberries
2/3 cup chopped strawberries
1 lemon
1/2 cup powdered sugar (divided)
red and blue food coloring (optional)

1. Start with three bowls:  one with blueberries, one with your chopped strawberries and one with the 2-1/3 cups of plain yogurt. Add 1 Tbs. sugar to the strawberries and stir through.  Add 1 Tbs. sugar to the blueberries and mash up a bit with the spoon to release the juices.  Add 2 Tbs. of sugar and 2 Tbs. milk to the plain yogurt and stir through.
 2.  Allow the fruit to sit and absorb the sugar for about 10 minutes.
 3.  Prepare your cupcake tins or your popsicle molds.
 4.  Using a blender, blend the blueberries with 2/3 cup of the yogurt and add a few drops of blue food coloring (if you want).   Do the same with the strawberries and another 2/3 cup yogurt and red food coloring.
5.  Add the juice and zest of one lemon to the remaining 1 cup of yogurt along with another 1 Tbs. sugar.
 6.  Now you are ready to assemble.  Add the blueberry first and freeze for 5-10 minutes so that it really sets and your colors won't run together.
 7.  Follow the same for the lemon and then the strawberry layers.  Once you add the strawberry, also stick in your popsicle sticks.
 8.  Allow to freeze 3-4 hours or overnight.
 9.  Remove the foil wrap when you are ready to eat.
 These would be great for cheering on Team USA as they did a stellar job representing for our country at the World Cup!
 Or just for breakfast on your way to work.

One Year Ago: Salmon Sliders
Two Years Ago: Strawberry Pecan Salad
Three Years Ago: Pickles in a Barrel
Four Years Ago: Pulled Pork Sandwiches with Peach Habanero Sauce

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