
Monday, May 24, 2010

Farmer’s Cheese (Fromage Blanc)

I know I know…making cheese from scratch sounds ridiculous and absurd. If I told you it was easy you probably wouldn’t believe me so I am going to show you just how easy it is to make this basic cheese on your own. The best part about this little kitchen experiment is that making farmer’s cheese costs way less than buying cheese at the store. You can double, triple, quadruple this recipe by using a whole gallon of milk. I like to put it out for snacking when I have friends over. Your friends will be super impressed at how extravagent you are and only you will know how easy it really was.
Farmer’s Cheese (Fromage Blanc)Ingredients:
2 cups whole milk (or buttermilk, goat milk, skim, etc.)
1/2 lemon
Salt, pepper, and herbs (optional)

1. Heat milk in a saucepan on medium heat until it is just lightly boiling (about 8-10 minutes or so).

2. While the milk is heating, set up your cheesecloth in a sieve on top of a bowl.

3. Add the juice of 1/2 a lemon to the milk.

4. The mixture will begin to curdle immediately. Stir and remove from heat.

5. Pour the mixture through the waiting cheesecloth.

6. Let the whey (watery part) drip away for 5 minutes. The longer you leave it sitting, the dryer and more solid your cheese will become.

7. Pick up the cheesecloth and ring out excess whey.

8. Transfer the cheese to a dish and leave plain or add salt, pepper, and any dried or fresh herbs you like. I used basil because I had it, but try dill, chives, parsley...use your imagination.*

*My mom suggests adding sugar and berries to make it sweet. I love the idea.


  1. Some questions about the cheese, which, by the way, looks extraordinary.
    1) Can I have some?
    2) Is it spreadable or sliceable? Or just more crumbleytowns?
    3) What kinds of treats would go well with this?
    4) I love the berries/sugar idea. Does that make it like something I'd put on a bagel?


  2. You are amazing. This looks so yummy! I'll have Katie make this for me asap. PS. you're pretty. xoxo, alexa

  3. Hello Kelaine. I like communicating with you online because walking over to your room is very taxing :) This cheese is mostly crumbly (like feta, but not as grainy). You could serve it with sliced fruit, quince paste, jam, more cheese, or cured meats. I would surely spread the fruity version on a bagel...but I would spread the herbed one on a bagel too.

    I just learned from my coworker that they make this same type of cheese to sprinkle on top of Indian Curry. I will be trying that for sure.
