
Monday, May 24, 2010

Turkey Curry Stuffed Peppers

My mom made stuffed peppers when we were growing up and I haaaated them (Sorry, Mommy!). I dreaded seeing a bag of peppers make their way into our grocery cart. This was nothing that my mom did of course, but rather evidence of my picky eating. This trait is no longer one of mine, as evident by my ever expanding palate (and waistline). Peppers now lay claim to one of the tops spots in my pantheon of important veggies. I got a big bag of peppers from the store and they were so beautiful that I wanted to come up with a recipe that would show them off in all their glory. These Turkey Curry Stuffed Peppers were music to my ears and lips. Ground turkey complements the sweet orange peppers and curry heat gives them some serious kick. They might not look like much, but these little gems were a big winner on Corcoran Street. Plus they are good for you, what with all the veggies and turkey and such. The way I see it, they leave me with plenty of calories left over for a decadent dessert!

Turkey Curry Stuffed Peppers
6 medium orange peppers
1/2 lb. ground turkey
3 slices wheat bread
2 scallions or 1 small onion
1 Tbs. curry powder*
1 bottle beer (I used a stout because we had it – any beer would work)
Olive oil

*Curry powder is a mix of spices and each brand is a little different. I have a Madras curry powder that is pretty spicy. You can adjust the amount of curry you use according to your taste.

1. Slice the tops off of your peppers and remove the core/seeds.
2. Cut the crust off bread, toast them, and chop them into very small chucks.
3. Chop the scallions into small discs.
4. Thoroughly combine turkey, breadcrumbs, scallions, curry powder, salt and pepper. I find that my hands are the best tool for this job. Goopy fun.

5. Stuff the peppers with the turkey mixture.

6. Pour enough beer in the pan to come about 1/4 inch high. Drink the rest...waste not, want not after all.

7. Cover the peppers with foil and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.

8. Remove the foil and turn on the broiler for a minute or two. Keep an eye on them. You want little browning on the tops but you don’t want to burn them.

I enjoyed them with a dollop of plain yogurt on the side.

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