
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ricotta, Beet, and Arugula Sandwich

This sandwich was born out of a rummaging trip to my fridge. I had a few roasted beets, a little bit of ricotta and a beautiful loaf of bread. I also have a gigantic garden box full of arugula that I can't keep up with as it is. Mix them all together and this sandwich came out. I made it for Mark to take in for lunch too and he wasn't even that annoyed.  We decided that this sandwich was best made and then sliced up as appetizers, but that is because too many vegetables make him nervous.  I like the idea, though and will make and eat it both ways. 
Ricotta, Beet, and Arugula Sandwich
2 roasted beets
2 Tbs. ricotta cheese
1/4 cup arugula
salt and pepper

1.  I had a very fresh loaf of bread, so I didn't toast it, but you certainly could if that is your preference.  Make two nice slices and slather one side with ricotta cheese.  Sprinkle the cheese with salt and pepper.
2.  Thinly slice the roasted beets (to roast, rub them with oil, wrap in foil and place in a 350 degree oven for 45 minutes.  The skins will slip off and you will have roasted beets).
And use them to top the ricotta.
3.  Add your arugula.
You are ready to go!
I sliced it for ease of eating.  Yum, yum. yum.

One Year Ago: Machine Gun Sandwich in Salt Lake City
Two Years Ago: Honey Butter Cornipops


  1. I'm pretty sure I will love this sandwhich!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
