
Monday, October 1, 2012

Teriyaki Grilled Chicken

Mark is the grill master in our house and he has a few tips for weeknight grilling. We have a charcoal grill, which can be intimidating to fire up for last minute dinners.  The trick is that he uses a charcoal chimney so that it only takes about 15 minutes (enough time to make a smart cocktail) and the grill is all ready to go. Mark likes to set up the grill with the charcoal all over to one side. This will allow to you have a "hot spot" and also a space to move the meat over so it will cook through. This is great for poultry or pork to make sure that you cook the meat all the way through, rather than burn it on the outside and have it raw in the middle. Smart man. I'll keep him around. This marinade is simple and delicious. It can be made up quickly and marinate it while the grill is heating or you can make it ahead and leave to soak up the marinade all day. I served it with sauteed bitter greens and garden veggies.  It was a great weeknight dinner and the leftovers were great to (not that Mark would know, since I scarfed them down by myself!)
Teriyaki Grilled Chicken
6 chicken thighs (skin on and bone-in)
1/4 cup low sodium soy sauce
3 Tbs. Sriracha
3 Tbs. honey
1 tsp. Worcester Sauce
1 tsp. salt

1.  Combine soy, Sriracha, honey, Worcester in a large freezer bag for marinating chicken.  I use low sodium soy sauce, so I would also add 1 tsp. salt to the marinade. If you use regular soy, you will only need about 1/2 tsp. salt. Add your chicken thighs and refrigerate for 30 minutes or up to overnight.
2.  Once the chicken has time to marinate, dump into a dish to make it easier to set on the grill.  I like to spoon a little bit of the marinate over the chicken when it first starts to cook.
This is Mark, looking up at me annoyed because I am bothering him while he is grilling.
This is him looking less annoyed because I am photographing him without hollering out first.
3.  Set your grill up with the charcoal all on one half. 
4.  Sear the chicken over the hot spot for 2-3 minutes per side (keep an eye on it because there is sugar in the marinade which can burn).  Then move off the fire to the other side of the grill and cook for 6-8 minutes per side, until cooked through.
Serve up and enjoy!
One Year Ago: Watercress-Cilantro Sauce
Two Years Ago: Smores Mini-Cupcakes

1 comment:

  1. nice grill!! :)someone very handy must have set that up for you!
