My very dear friend Miss Jackie got engaged and a gaggle of friends were there to celebrate with her. To make the occasion even more special, I made some chocolate covered strawberries for everyone to snack on after. If I'm being honest, I don't even like chocolate covered strawberries. I prefer my chocolate to be gooey rather than in hardened form (that's NOT what she said). These ones are still pretty good in my book and they look so nice for almost no effort, that they are worth making for a special occasion. You could use two different types of chocolate, but I think that there is something very classic about the one-tone berries. Either way, these are fun to serve and scarf down. Plus, they are no-bake so there is no need to turn on the oven on a hot day.
Striped Chocolate Covered StrawberriesWhat you need (I can't bear to call them ingredients because...really):
2 pints strawberries
2 bags chocolate chips
mini cupcake tins
plastic freezer baggie

1. Melt the chocolate in a heat-proof bowl in the microwave. I nuke mine in 1 minute increments, stirring very thoroughly in between, thus avoiding burt chocolate.

2. Wash the berries and dry then very thoroughly. I blot off each one before I dip it in chocolate. Water and chocolate to not mix. Water will cause the chocolate to sieze up and get gross. Not cool.

3. Line a large baking try to waxed paper and dip your berries. Line them on the tray and put them in the fridge for 5 minutes or so, until they firm up.

4. Scrape the rest of the choclate into a freezer bag. I reccommend a freezer bag because they are usually thicker than a regular sandwich bag, which will make this job much easier. A sandwich bag will work in a pinch, of course.

5. Very unceremoniously drizzle the chocolate all over the berries. I like it in a horizontal-ish way, but let your creative juices speak for this task.
6. Put them back in the fridge for 10-15 minutes to get nice and firm. If you want to serve them in individual mini-muffin liners, that makes for very easy transportation and eating.

Serve them up to a very adoring crowd. You will be well loved for bringing these.
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